Friday, May 11, 2018

Lets Go Vote!!!!!!!

As Karnataka goes for election today, I am sitting on my couch and writing this piece. I was about pen down my opinion on the political happenings that I observed. But I really felt I dont deserve that right yet. Because I have to be apologetic for not going out to vote. Not because I am lazy to go but because of not getting my vote registered here in Karnataka. Not just me but many of the neighbours in my community are in same line. Why have we not shown any interest in getting our votes registered? Because we believe thats not our business or because we think thats a waste of time hassle or because we dont really believe that our vote matters or because we dont have any interest in politics or because we think whoever gets elected doesnt really matter to us as most of us are from different parts of the country.  
Having said do we go out and vote at least in our respective states? Very very few of us do that. Rest of us have a handful of reasons to quote. So most of us do not vote at all. But do we expect better governance without bothering to vote? Of course that is our right isn't it? Do we have an opinion about the politics? Oh yes. Undoubtedly. Because we are all well educated and we do have great coffee table discussions, we do write proficient articles about politics and we do have well informed debates too without even worrying about voting. Most of us are global citizens you know and we are moving in and out the city/country due to our that counts for a better reason to not vote. But wherever we live we want clean and non-corrupted governance without even exercising our basic right and responsibility.
Whenever we have an issue with the infrastructure of the locality we live in, we crib that our politicians are irresponsible, we curse that they shouldn't win next election but we will not make it a point to vote. Because on the election day, we don't belong here.We have better plans you know, we plan for a weekend getaway or fun outings or home party or do nothing and roll on the bed. I am sure these seem much better options than going out and voting. 
Our constituency contestants did not even bother to promote their parties in our locality as far as I knew. Ours was just one of the ignored communities in this constituency. There are quite a few like ours. My maid's locality is much bothered than ours because though they are not so literate and professional as us, they take time and make it a point to vote. We just brush it off saying they are paid for votes so they vote. Yes most of them are offered freebies for voting but who knows who they vote for once they get inside. They are well aware of who their political representative is but most of us really dont. Especially people like us living in gated communities are so untouched of the outside society unless and until we are faced with a problem outside the community that really bothers our living. Then we want the representative to respond immediately, and the police to be responsible. 
Because we dont really think its important to vote, our representatives also dont count us in when they plan for the constituency. Our ignorance is their advantage.  
It is extremely regretful for not being a responsible citizen. I feel the pinch and I want to make sure I register my vote before even complaining or expressing my opinion on Karnataka politics.


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