Thursday, July 21, 2011

Live don't survive


What is living? All of us have several different modest answers for this term. However, how many of us understood that the term doesn't appropriately apply to most of us? In one line I define Living as being contended at some point, seems very cliché but I am sure no one can disagree with that statement. Only very small percentage of us are in that state of being content or at least understanding the beauty of being content. Today's world tempts us to run the rat race. Our aims and aspirations are sky rocketing day by day. As generations change, it is obvious to witness evolution and development. But, in the name of development, we have shed the wisdom petals with which we were weaved naturally and remained nude allowing all sorts of temptations to invade and make us vulnerable to more desires. Do I sound like a Guru :D well, all those words of wisdom repeated might remind a preacher.  
When you get a chance to be alone, literally doing nothing, staring at stars, we tend to think about ourself n sometimes retrospect. This stage of retrospection happens to all of us at some point of time. The sooner we experience, the better we evolve. Only very few of us dare to welcome this stage, because when we precisely know the consequences of this realisation, our vulnerable state will never want us to wear this armour to shield off the so called "flow". I think, that this "flow" term has been coined to represent the shameless acceptance of the monotonous lifestyles of the newer generation who simply admit '' well, what's wrong? I am going with the flow" Now should we encourage this trend? Is it really good? Or are we so thick skinned that we did not realise that we lost track already.  
In this “flow” trend, the metropolitan crowd have a special excuse code called "busy with work" for everything they miss, sometimes this everything also includes life. In the case of couples, it’s even more common, both of them work, they hardly get to see each other, earn great savings, with great aims to build home at a very young age, buy expensive cars and trip the world before they retire. Before they realise the "flow" pushes them far away. When we crave for an uncertain tomorrow and forget the certain today, we are definitely not living today. What is the point of missing an auspicious today for an unknown tomorrow? If we think that all our efforts today will leave comforts for a retired life, we are missing a point there. After retirement, one would crave for solitude not comforts. One may not want to carry debts but one may also not want to carry heaps of money to avoid the fight for heirs. When we sit back and relax after retirement and regret about not doing things that we really wanted to do, it doesn’t bring back the lapsed time. That time is to relish the beauty of one's journey not to regret. If this trend continues, how many of us will relish this journey? Even now, how many of us question ourselves, am I living or merely surviving? Once the question asked, we get clear answers and simple solutions to lead life in a better way. 
Living is enjoying the smallest pleasures that life has gifted us and being able to appreciate the blessings we have and sharing the blessings to those who are not as gifted as us. As they say, when we share happiness it doubles, so is it with blessings. Life is meant to be lived happily. n Happiness doesn’t lie in material comforts but merely lies n amplifies in being human.
So let’s stop running n start living!
Read this somewhere: Today's world  Our phone are wireless, Cooking is fireless, Food is fatless, Youth are jobless, Leaders are shameless, Relations are meaningless, Attitude is careless, Feelings are heartless, Education is valueless, But still our desires are "Endless".



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